B.-P Woschek has written:
'Zur Witzigkeit von Karikaturen' -- subject(s): Caricature, History, Pictorial Wit and humor
B-P Woschek has written several books on topics related to Christianity and biblical studies, including "The Prodigal Son Revisited: A Fresh Look at an Ancient Bible Story" and "The Healing Power of Forgiveness: Let Go of Your Hurt Experience Peace."
Heinz-Gert Woschek has written: 'Das Weinbuch' 'Der Wein' -- subject(s): Drinking customs, History, Wine and wine making
bp Idatius has written: 'Idatii episcopi Chronicon, correctionibus'
Katharina Woschek was born on May 30, 1988, in Opole, Opolskie, Poland.
Bp. of Cagliari Lucifer has written: 'Luciferi Calaritani opuscula' -- subject(s): Accessible book
Alison Whitehead has written: 'The BP Mathematics Centre'
Chiranjibi Nepal has written: 'BP's economic thought' -- subject(s): Economic conditions
Bp. of Naumburg Walram has written: 'Waltrami ut videtur Liber de unitate ecclesiae conservanda' -- subject(s): Church and state, Church history, Sources
Bp. of San Francisco Ioann has written: 'Zapisi o liubvi k Bogu i cheloveku' -- subject(s): Love (Theology) 'Legenda o Velikom Inkvizitorie'
Kelly Flynn has written: 'Waste engineer internship at the BP Cherry Point Refinery Blaine, WA'
John Posthumus Parkinson has written: 'An analysis of Bp. Butler's Analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution & course of nature'
Pieter Meiert Grootes has written: 'Thermal diffusion isotopic enrichment and radiocarbon dating beyond 50,000 years BP'
Polly Carpus Budihari Priyanto has written: 'Dossiers no. Pol. BP/10/VI/2005/DIT-1'