Barry Wellman has written:
'Social identities and cosmopolitanism among urban adolescents' -- subject(s): African American students, Cosmopolitanism, Social conditions, Social interaction, Students
'Using SAS software to link personal network, tie and individual data' -- subject(s): Computer programs, SAS (Computer file), Social sciences
'The community question re-evaluated' -- subject(s): Communities, Sociology
'Community - network - communication' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Communication, Communities, Community, Social interaction, Gemeenschap (sociologie), Sociale netwerken
'The network nature of future communities' -- subject(s): Commuting, Telecommunication, Urban Sociology
'Networks, neighborhoods and communities' -- subject(s): Communities, Neighborhood, Urban Sociology
'Social networks and social support' -- subject(s): Case studies, Network analysis, Older people, Social conditions, Social interaction, Social structure, Sociology
Barry Wellman is a Canadian sociologist known for his research on social networks and community. He has written numerous articles and books on topics such as social capital, digital media, and the impact of technology on society. Wellman's work often explores how relationships and communication are shaped by technological advancements.
Barry Neil Kaufman has written:
'No Regrets'
'Ein neuer Tag'
'The Guided Option Meditation Program'
'The book of wows and ughs!' -- subject(s): Aphorisms and apothegms
'La Felicidad Se Elige'
'Giant Steps' -- subject(s): Child psychotherapy, Case studies
'Paroles de jeunes'
'A miracle to believe in' -- subject(s): Autistic children, Case studies, Autism, Rehabilitation
'To Love Is to Be Happy'
'Power Dialogues'
'No Risk/No Fault Parenting'
'Calm amid Chaos'
'A sacred dying' -- subject(s): Bereavement, Case studies, Death, Family relationships, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Bereavement, Psychological aspects of Death, Psychotherapy, Terminally ill
'FutureSight' -- subject(s): Psychics, Visions
'Son-rise' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Autism, Autistic children, Biography, Interviews, Option Institute and Fellowship, Parents of autistic children, Personal narratives, Raun Kahlil Kaufman, Case studies, Anecdotes, Biographies, Enfants autistes, Autisme, Infant, Child, Autistic Disorder
Paul I Wellman has written: 'Glory, God and gold'
Roy J. Wellman has written: 'The turbine propeller combination in the Air Force'
Joshua Wyman Wellman has written: 'A review of Dr. A.V.G. Allen's biography of Jonathan Edwards'
Walter Wellman Smith has written: 'A study of instruction sheets' -- subject(s): Industrial arts, Study and teaching
Jerry L. Wellman has written: 'Organizational learning' -- subject(s): Knowledge management, Organizational learning, Organizational behavior
Harold Wellman Fairbanks has written: 'Home geography' -- subject(s): Geography, Juvenile literature, Readers 'Home Geography'
Barry MANILOW has written: 'Barry Manilow'
John Wellman is a fiction author known for writing thrillers and suspense novels. Some of his popular works include "The Innocent Wife" and "Follow You Home." He is praised for his ability to create gripping storylines and complex characters.
Joshua W. Wellman has written: 'Descendants of Thomas Wellman of Lynn, Massachusetts' 'The question at issue in the Andover case' -- subject(s): Andover Theological Seminary, Calvinism, History, Teachings, Trials, litigation
Wellman Packard has written: 'Early emigration to California, 1849-1850' -- subject(s): Biography, Description and travel, Overland journeys to the Pacific, Pioneers
Barry Simpson has written: 'Devoran'
Barry Tomkins has written: 'Watermen'