Blake Garfield has written several Science Fiction novels, including "The Chronothon" series and "The Olympia Project." He is known for his complex characters and thrilling plotlines that often involve time travel and alternate universes.
Garfield. has written: 'The Enemy'
Judith Garfield has written: 'Black angels from the Empire'
Albert Blake has written: 'Marriage'
Blake Simmons has written: 'Bride for bride'
Lewis Blake has written: 'Bolts from the blue'
William Blake has written: 'The world is mine'
Henry Blake has written: 'Thinking with horses'
Laurel Blake has written: 'Stranger in Paradise'
Clarice Blake has written: 'The roofs of Weir'
Anthony Blake Rathbone has written: 'Mr.Disraeli and the \\'
John Blake Walker has written: 'Rods'
Howard Blake has written: 'The island self' 'The snowman'