Carl Frederick Krafft has written:
'The ether and its vortices'
'Spirazines' -- subject(s): Biochemistry, Life (Biology), Proteins
Carl Frederick Propson has written: 'Export advertising practice' -- subject(s): Advertising, Commerce
Carl Frederick Abel Pantin has written: 'Notes on microscopical technique for zoologists' -- subject(s): Microscopy, Technique
Carl Frederick Kraenzel has written: 'The northern plains in a world of change' 'The Great Plains in transition' -- subject(s): Human geography
Carl Frederick Anderson has written: 'Nocturnal activities of the Columbian black-tailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus Richardson, affecting spotlight census results in the Oregon Coast Range' -- subject(s): Mule deer
Carl Frederick Haussmann has written: 'Kunze's seminarium and the Society for the propagation of christianity and useful knowledge among the Germans in America' -- subject(s): Kunze's Seminarium, Society for the propagation of christianity and useful knowledge among the Germans in America
Carl Law has written: 'Carl Law'
Carl Scholz has written: 'Liekut'
Carl Henckell has written: 'Schwingungen'
Carl Knapp has written: 'D'r \\'
Carl Werner has written: 'Gedichte'
Carl Snoilsky has written: 'Dikter'
Carl Stern has written: 'Gedichte'