D G K Goldberg is known for his work in the field of social psychology, particularly in the areas of group dynamics, decision-making, and intergroup relations. He has published research articles and books exploring topics such as leadership, conflict resolution, and team performance. His work often focuses on the impact of individual behavior within a social context.
D. G. K. Goldberg died in 2005.
D G. Tendulkar has written: 'Mahatma'
D. G. G. Kerr has written: 'Sir Edmund Head'
D. G. McKerracher has written: 'Trends in psychiatric care [by] D. G. McKerracher'
D G. Jones has written: 'Phrases from Orpheus'
G. D. Englehart has written: 'Jump Genealogy'
D. G. Dance has written: 'Oceanic scriptures'
G. D. Goetz has written: 'Biologically incorrect'
D. G Oreopoulos has written: 'Problems in nephrolithiasis'
G. D. Lutterodt has written: 'The Asuogya gang'
D. G. Toll has written: 'Unsaturated Soils'
D. G. Hale has written: 'The body politic'