Deborah Dale is a fictional character created by Carolyn Keene for the Nancy Drew Girl Detective series of books. Deborah Dale does not exist as a separate author entity apart from Carolyn Keene.
Deborah Cowder has written: 'Deborah'
Deborah McCoy has written: 'For the Bride'
Deborah. Jackson has written: 'Do not disturb'
Deborah Oropallo has written: 'Oropallo'
Dale Dematteo has written: 'The \\'
Deborah Nash has written: 'Riddle of the Nile'
Deborah Greig has written: 'Learning from industry'
Deborah Matthews has written: 'The duchess and the devil'
Deborah Amend has written: 'A dress for Anna'
Deborah Dietsch has written: 'Architecture for dummies'
Deborah McCann has written: 'The joy of your salvation'
Deborah Tall has written: 'A family of strangers'