Dumitru Udrea has written: 'Monade' 'Statui'
Dumitru Matkovski has written: 'Floare Basarabie'
Dumitru Velciu has written: 'Cronicarul Radu Popescu' -- subject(s): History
Dumitru Botar has written: 'Virgil Carianopol, 1908-1984' -- subject(s): Criticism and interpretation
Dumitru Manoileanu has written: 'Elogiul efemerei performante' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, Sports
Ilie Dumitru has written: 'Locomotive Diesel hidraulice' -- subject(s): Diesel locomotives, Hydraulic drive
Dumitru Radu Popa has written: 'Sabrina and other good suspicions' 'Lady V., and other stories'
Dumitru D. Rosca has written: 'L' influence de Hegel sur Taine' -- subject(s): Influence
Tudor Dumitru Savu is a Romanian author known for writing books on self-improvement, motivation, and personal development. Some of his works include "The Power of Self-Discipline" and "Mindset Mastery."
The Ozunu Clan is known as the Clan of the Black Sand. They are a secret organization of ninjas trained under Lord Ozunu. The ninjas are born and raised in the dojos and are strictly trained to become the perfect assassin. Any disobedience results in getting punished severely. If one were to try to escape from the Ozunu, they are hunted down and executed.
Dumitru Fusu's birth name is Fusu, Dumitru Vasilyevich.
Dumitru Coroamă was born in 1885.