Felix Frazer is the author of several Science Fiction books, including titles such as "Time Rift" and "Stellar Code." His works often explore themes of space exploration, technology, and extraterrestrial life. Frazer's writing style is known for its imaginative storytelling and intricate world-building.
Frazer Ross has written: 'The altar of Eros'
Diane Frazer has written: 'The Dilemma of Geraldine Addams'
Charles F. Frazer has written: 'Creative strategy'
I. W. Frazer has written: 'Practising accountants' library list'
F. W. Frazer has written: 'Domiciliary physiotherapy'
Robert Watson Frazer has written: 'British India' -- subject(s): History.
Felix Roxas has written: 'The world of Felix Roxas'
Felix Platter has written: 'Beloved son Felix'
Felix Mnthali has written: 'Yoranivyoto'
Olivia Felix has written: 'Duna'
Marie M. Frazer has written: 'On the old trails in Wyoming' -- subject(s): History
Chris Frazer has written: 'Competing voices from the Mexican Revolution' -- subject(s): Sources, History