Hamilton Bailey has written:
'Surgery for nurses'
'A short practice of surgery'
'Bailey & Love's short practice of surgery' -- subject(s): Surgery
'Emergency surgery' -- subject(s): Ambulatory surgery, Emergencies, Emergency medicine, Minor Surgery, Surgery, Surgical emergencies
'Emergency surgery' -- subject(s): Emergencies, Surgery, Operative Surgery
Hamilton Bailey was a British surgeon known for his contributions to medical textbooks. He authored the widely acclaimed book "Physical Signs in Clinical Surgery," which has been a standard reference for medical professionals. Bailey's work has helped guide generations of surgeons in the understanding and recognition of physical signs in clinical practice.
Alexander Hamilton Bailey has written: 'The President's special message'
Kenneth Hamilton Bailey has written: 'Australia and the law of the sea' -- subject(s): Maritime law, United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. Geneva, 1958
Lorraine E. Bailey has written: 'Study guide to accompany Whitney, Hamilton Understanding nutrition' -- subject(s): Metabolism, Nutrition, Problems, exercises
Melissa Bailey has written: 'From the beyond'
Patrick Bailey has written: 'Orkney'
Elda Bailey has written: 'Bailey trails' -- subject(s): Family
MARTIN BAILEY has written: 'P.J. CROOK'
Jeremy Bailey has written: 'Spectropolarimetry at the AAT'
Terri Bailey has written: 'Cries Of The Orchids'
Bailey has written: 'The white devils un-cased'
Cyril Bailey has written: 'The Legacy of Rome'
Ernest Hamilton has written: 'Mary Hamilton'