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Olaf Zumhagen has written:

'Religi ose Konflikte und kommunale Entwicklung: Mailand, Cremona, Piacenza und Florenz zur Zeit der Pataria' -- subject(s): Geschichte und Historische Hilfswissenschaften, OUR Brockhaus selection

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10mo ago

Holger Zerrahn is a German author known for writing novels and short stories. Some of his works include "The Ventsel and Azure Kingdom Series" and "The Ritual of Life." He combines elements of fantasy, adventure, and philosophy in his writing.

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10y ago

Holger Zerrahn has written:

'Exilerfahrung und Faschismusbild in Lion Feuchtwangers Romanwerk zwischan 1933 und 1945' -- subject(s): Criticism and interpretation, National socialism in literature

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10y ago

Oliver R. Scholz has written:

'Bild, Darstellung, Zeichen' -- subject(s): Art, Language, Philosophy

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