Ignace Meyerson has written:
'Forme, couleur, mouvement dans les arts plastiques' -- subject(s): Art, Modern, Color in art, Composition (Art), Modern Art, Proportion (Art), Themes, motives
Ignace Meyerson was a French philosopher who is best known for his works on the philosophy of mind, cognitive science, and psychology. His most famous book is "Identity and Reality," where he explores the concept of personal identity and its relation to subjective experience. Meyerson also made significant contributions to the study of perception and consciousness.
Denise Meyerson has written: 'Reading the constitution through the lens of philosophy'
Alice Ignace has written: 'Reminiscences of Alice Ignace, Kalispel Indian Community, Washington'
Harold Meyerson has written: 'Who put the rainbow in the Wizard of Oz?' -- subject(s): Lyricists, Biography
Mark D. Meyerson has written: 'A Jewish Renaissance in Fifteenth-Century Spain' 'Jews in an Iberian Frontier Kingdom'
Ignace I. Kolodner has written: 'Formation and subsequent behavior of aerosols; final report' -- subject(s): Accessible book
Christiane Meyerson-Dethoor has written: 'Thalassa, Manuel de grec pour la deuxieme annee du degre d'orientation / Christiane Meyerson-Dethoor, Monique Lesuisse-Dirickx, Marie-Simone Gryson'
Ignace Feuerlicht is known for his book "The Troubled World of Franz Kafka," which explores the life and works of the famous author. He is also respected for his research on Central European literature and culture.
Marin de Boylesve has written: 'Exercices spirituels d'apres Saint Ignace'
Per-Martin Meyerson has written: 'Eurosclerosis' -- subject(s): Economic conditions, Politics and government, Welfare state 'Staten Israel' -- subject(s): Arab-Israeli conflict, History, Zionism, Zionism and Judaism
Jacques Lewis has written: 'Le gouvernement spirituel selon Saint Ignace de Loyola'
Ignace de La Potterie has written: 'The Christian lives by the Spirit' 'La vie selon l'Esprit' 'La ve rite dans Saint Jean' -- subject(s): Bible
Ignace Berten is known for writing books on spirituality and personal development, including titles such as "The Inner Guide" and "The Path to Your Inner Self". His works often explore themes related to mindfulness, self-discovery, and inner peace.