J. C. Basher has written:
'An investigation of a Monte Carlo treatment of thermal neutron scattering'
H James has written: 'Domesday Boon'
James H. Correll has written: 'The evaluation'
James H. Dwinnell has written: 'Principles of aerodynamics'
James H. MEISEL has written: 'The Fall of the republic'
James H. Morrison has written: 'Common heritage'
James H. McClellan has written: 'DSP first'
James H. Leicester has written: 'Trends in the services for youth'
James H. Ballagh has written: 'Employee Relations Outlook'
James H. Nash has written: 'A Nash-Allen genealogy'
James H. English has written: 'Escape from Fire Island!'
James H. Moore has written: 'Vespers at St. Mark's'
Richard H. James has written: 'Reality and other writings'