Jonathan Tulloch has written: 'Give Us This Day' 'The Season Ticket'
Leabua Jonathan was a politician and the Prime Minister of Lesotho, not an author.
Jonathan D. Trobe has written: 'The Physician's Guide to Eye Care, 2nd Ed' 'The Neurology of Vision' 'The physician's guiide to eye care' -- subject(s): Eye Diseases, Ophthalmology, Primary care (Medicine) 'The physician's guide to eye care' -- subject(s): Diagnosis, Eye Diseases, Therapy
Roger Day has written: 'Oasis'
Robin Day has written: 'Television'
Calvin Day has written: '[A memorial]'
Jane Day has written: 'Interprofessional Working'
Doris Day has written: 'Tangled web'
David Day has written: 'Are you listening, Karen?'
Dian Day has written: 'The clock of heaven'
Odd Nansen has written: 'Day after day'
Frank Day has written: 'Here and there in Eramosa'