Jorhdin Banner has written:
'Newspaper coverage of youth gangs/groups in Metropolitan Toronto' -- subject(s): Juvenile delinquency, Gangs, Crime and Press
Christina Banner has written: 'How to build a gingerbread house'
Richard Banner has written: 'The use and antiquity of musick in the service of God'
A Banner has written: 'Revegetation and maturation of restored shoreline in the Indian River, Florida'
Yoshiki Enatsu has written: 'Banner legacy'
Dora M. Banner has written: 'The alpheid shrimp of Australia' -- subject(s): Crustacea, Snapping shrimps
Raphael Breuer has written: 'Unter seinem Banner'
Sheila Mitchell has written: 'His Banner Over Me Is Love'
Ruth Ann Lowery has written: 'The banner book' -- subject(s): Flags
Hermann has written: 'Letters which have appeared in the Banner of the Constitution' -- subject(s): Free trade, Tariff
Joseph Commings has written: 'Banner deadlines' -- subject(s): American Detective and mystery stories
David O'Connell has written: 'Worse Things Happen at Sea' 'David O'Connell' 'Furl That Banner' 'Jetlag'
J. P. Day has written: 'The banner of David' -- subject(s): Archdeacons, Fiction, Historians, History