Kenneth P Yusko is known for his work in industrial-organizational psychology, with a focus on performance management, talent management, and employee selection. He has authored numerous research articles and books on these topics, contributing to the field's understanding of best practices in human resource management.
Kenneth P. Langton has written: 'Political socialization'
Kenneth P. Gee has written: 'How to do a bit of accounting research'
Kenneth P. Nunn has written: 'Who's who of the brain' -- subject(s): Brain, Popular works
Armin P. Frank has written: 'Kenneth Burke'
Kenneth P. Fletcher has written: 'Centennial state trolleys' -- subject(s): Street-railroads, Electric railroads, History, Cars, Pictorial works
Kenneth P. Bailey has written: 'Survey of American history' -- subject(s): In library 'The American adventure' -- subject(s): History, Juvenile literature
Kenneth P. King has written: 'Technology, science teaching, and literacy' -- subject(s): Science, History, Study and teaching, Technological innovations, Audio-visual aids
Kenneth P. Wilson has written: 'Interactions between dissolved wood organic chemicals and nonprocess elements in chemical pulping processes' -- subject(s): Sulphate waste liquor, Sulphate pulping process
Kenneth P Kulp has written: 'Quality of surface waters in Wilton, Connecticut' -- subject(s): Water quality 'Water quality of Lake Waramaug and surrounding watershed, Litchfield County, Connecticut' -- subject(s): Water quality
Kenneth P. Sympson has written: 'Images from the Otherland' -- subject(s): American Personal narratives, Biography, Officers, Personal narratives, American, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975, United States, United States. Marine Corps, Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975
P. Weerasekera has written: '\\'
Kenneth P. Williams was born in 1887.