Leonard Halford Dudley Buxton has written:
'China, the land and the people' -- subject(s): Geography, Human geography
'Oxford university ceremonies by L. H. Dudley Buxton and'
'Primitive labour' -- subject(s): History, Labor and laboring classes, Primitive societies, Working class
Nicholas Oulton has written:
'Widening the human stomach'
'Investment, increasing returns, and the pattern of productivity growth in UK manufacturing, 1954-86'
'Depreciation, obsolescence and the role of capital in growth accounting'
'Increasing returns and externalities in UK manufacturing'
'Persistence of wages, prices and output under rational expectations when the labour market is dominated by workplacebargaining'
'Productivity versus welfare'
'Trade in Services and the European Community (Thames Essay, No 56)'
'Workforce skills and export competitiveness'
'Liquidity, fixed investment and the firm'
Charles Roden Buxton has written:
'Prophets of heaven & hell: Virgil, Dante, Milton, Goethe' -- subject(s): Heaven in literature, Prophecies in literature, Hell in literature
'The alternative to war'
'A politician plays truant'
'The world after the war' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918, World politics, Influence, Economic history
'Electioneering up-to-date'
'The future of Empire'
'Prophets of Heaven & Hell, Virgil, Dante, Milton, Goethe'
'The case for an early peace'
'Labour's work for peace at Geneva'
'Towards a lasting settlement' -- subject(s): Peace, World War, 1914-1918
Dudley STAMP has written: 'Asia'
Dudley. Carew has written: 'The house is gone'
Harwood A. Dudley has written: 'History of Company \\'
Dudley Harbron has written: 'The conscious stone'
Dudley Carleton Dorchester has written: 'Letters from and to Sir Dudley Carleton, Knt'
Dudley Wilks has written: 'Fragments of Stafford's past'
Miriam Dudley has written: 'Library instruction workbook'
Robert Edward Dudley has written: 'Our side of the story'
N. A. Dudley has written: 'Work measurement:some research studies'
T. U. Dudley has written: 'The Christian workman'
Norman Alfred Dudley has written: 'Work measurement'
J S. Dudley has written: 'Facsimile transmission'