Leroy W. Newby has written: 'Into the guns of Ploesti'
W. Leroy Broun has written: 'Notes on artillery' -- subject(s): Accessible book
W. E. Butterworth has written: 'Comfort me with love' 'Leroy and the old man'
LeRoy W. Davis has written: 'Metal and ceramic matrix composites' -- subject(s): Ceramic-matrix composites, Fibrous composites 'Methods of making metal matrix composites'
Leroy W. Stutz was born on 1939-11-13.
LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Foundation was created in 2002.
W. W. Capes has written: 'Stoicism'
W. Gies has written: 'W. Gies'
W. A. Jarrel has written: '\\'
W. W. W. Bowie has written: 'An address delivered'
W. W. MILLER has written: 'The dark secret'
W. W. Duley has written: 'Co2 Lasers'