Mary Whitehouse has written:
'Quite contrary'
'Cleaning-up T.V.: from protest to participation' -- subject(s): Moral and ethical aspects, Moral and ethical aspects of Television broadcasting, Television and children, Television broadcasting, Television programs
'Who does she think she is?' -- subject(s): Great Britain, Moral and ethical aspects, Moral and ethical aspects of Television broadcasting, Television and children, Television broadcasting, Television programs
'Recommendations on an amendment to the Obscene Publications Act, 1959 and to the Broadcasting Complaints Commission'
Patricia Whitehouse has written:
'Rabbits (Read and Learn: Under My Feet)'
'Read and Learn'
'Opossums' -- subject(s): Juvenile literature, Opossums
'Las semillas' -- subject(s): Seeds, Juvenile literature
'Que Puede Volar?/What Can Fly? (Que Puede . . .?/What Can . . .?)'
'Que Puede Nadar? (Que Puede...?)'
'La Hora En El Zoologico / Zoo Time (Matematicas Del Zoolgico/Zoo Math)'
'La Rata / Rats'
'LA Cabra Montes / Mountain Goat'
'LA Serpiente/Snakes'
'Sea Lion'
'Alimentos Amarillos / Yellow Foods'
'Hojas/Leaves (Lee Y Aprende: Las Plantas)'
'El Mapache / Raccons'
'Flamingo (Zoo Animals)'
'Las Raices / Roots (Lee Y Aprende: Las Plantas)'
'White Foods (Read & Learn: Colours We Eat)'
'Leaves' -- subject(s): Leaves, Juvenile literature, Spanish language materials
'El Conejo / Rabbits'
'Flotar/floating (Lee Y Aprende: Investigaciones)'
'Plant Math'
'Trap-Door Spiders (Whitehouse, Patricia, Under My Feet.)'
'What Can Dig? (Read and Learn: Animal Actions)'
'Food ABC (Read & Learn: Colours We Eat)'
'Tamanos En El Zoologico/Zoo Sizes (Matematicas Del Zoologico)'
'What Can Jump'
'Que Puede Correr?/What Can Run? (Que Puede . . .?/What Can . . .?)'
'El Elefante / Elephant (Animales Del Zoologico)'
'Flores/Flowers (Lee Y Aprende: Las Plantas)'
'Mixing (Investigations)'
'Plant Maths'
'Tirar/pulling (Lee Y Aprende: Investigaciones)'
'What Can Fly?'
'El Zoologico Matematico / The Math Zoo'
'Giraffe (Zoo Animals)'
'Tirar (Investigaciones)'
'What Can Run'
'Zoo Patterns (Zoo Math)'
'Que Puede Construir? / What Can Build?'
'Plant ABC' -- subject(s): Plants, Alphabet, Juvenile literature
'Hiding in a Coral Reef (Whitehouse, Patricia, Animal Camouflage.)'
'Enfriar/cooling (Lea & Aprende)'
'La Zarigueya / Opossums (Que Esta Despierto)'
'The Sun'
'Skunks (What's Awake)'
'La Jirafa / Giraffe (Animales Del Zoologico)'
'Pets in My House'
'Pares En El Zoologico / Zoo Pairs'
'Las Semillas / Seeds (Plantas)'
'El Hipopotamo / Hippoptamus (Animales Del Zoologico)'
'Las Flores/Flowers (Plantas/Plants)'
'What's Awake? ABC (What's Awake)'
'Ardilla Listada (Bajo Mis Pies'
'Alimentos Verdes/Green Foods (Colores Para Comer/Colors We Eat)'
'Roots (Plants'
'Zoo Time (Whitehouse, Patricia, Zoo Math.)'
'Hiding in a Rain Forest (Animal Camouflage)'
'Moles (Under My Feet'
'Snakes (Whitehouse, Patricia, Under My Feet.)'
'Ants (Read and Learn: Under My Feet)'
'Alimentos De Color Cafe (Colores Para Comer/Colors We Eat)'
'Zoo Sizes (Whitehouse, Patricia, Zoo Math.)'
'Hiding in the Ocean (Whitehouse, Patricia, Animal Camouflage.)'
'Mountain goat' -- subject(s): Mountain goat, Juvenile literature, Zoo animals, Goats
'LA Arana Terafosa / Trap-Door Spiders'
'Calentar/ Heating'
'Mezclar / Mixing'
'Primavera / Spring (Las Estaciones)'
'Zoo Fair Shares'
'Deslizar/sliding (Lee Y Aprende: Investigaciones)'
'El Tigre / Tiger (Animales Del Zoologico)'
'Green Foods (The Colors We Eat)'
'Los Topo/Patricia Whitehouse (Whitehouse, Patricia, Under My Feet.)'
'Seasons A B C'
'What Can Swim'
'Zoo Pairs (Zoo Math)'
'Changing Shape'
'Rodar/ Rolling (Investigaciones/Investigations)'
'Flowers (Read & Learn'
'Brown Bear'
'Food ABC'
'Math Zoo'
'What Can Build? (Read and Learn: Animal Actions)'
'El Avestruz / Ostrich'
'El Murcielago / Bats'
'Matematicas Con Plantas/Plant Math (Lee Y Aprende: Las Plantas)'
'Seasons 123'
'Zoologico Matematico/Math Zoo (Matematicas Del Zoologico)'
'Chipmunks (Under My Feet'
'Red Foods (The Colors We Eat)'
'Opossums (What's Awake)'
'Conejo (Bajo Mis Pies'
'El Zorrillo / Skunks (Que Esta Despierto)'
'What Is a Forest? (Read and Learn: World Around Us)'
'Rats (Read & Learn)'
'Seeds (Read & Learn'
'Empujar / Pushing (Investigaciones'
'The Stars (Space Explorer)'
'What's Awake 1 2 3'
'Space Equipment'
'Working in Space'
'Que Puede Saltar?/What Can Jump? (Que Puede . . .?/What Can . . .?)'
'Hora En El Zoologico/Zoo Time (Matematicas Del Zoologico)'
'Skunks' -- subject(s): Juvenile literature, Skunks
'Agrupemos Alimentos / Sorting Foods'
'Rodar/rolling (Lee Y Aprende: Investigaciones)'
'Rabbits (Under My Feet'
'Que Puede Nadar? / What Can Swim?'
'LA Cabra Montes Mountain Goat (Animales Del Zoologico)'
'La Hormiga/Ants (Bajo Mis Pies'
'Las flores' -- subject(s): Flowers, Juvenile literature
'Que Puede Saltar? (Que Puede...?)'
'Que Puede Excavar? / What Can Dig?'
'La Cebra / Zebra (Animales Del Zoologico)'
'Barn Owls (Read & Learn)'
'Que Puede Volar?/ What Can Fly?'
'Sea Lion'
'La Lechuza / Barn Owls (Que Esta Despierto)'
'Pares En El Zoologico / Zoo Pairs (Matematicas Del Zoolgico/Zoo Math)'
'Enfriar / Cooling'
'The Sun (Space Explorer)'
'Roots' -- subject(s): Roots (botany), Juvenile literature, Plants, Spanish language materials
'Hiding in a Rain Forest'
'La Serpiente/snakes (Bajo Mis Pies / Under My Feet)'
'El Hipopotamo / Hippoptamus'
'Las Raices / Roots'
'Space Travel (Space Explorer)'
'Winter (Seasons)'
'El Conejo/rabbits (Bajo Mis Pies / Under My Feet)'
'Flotar / Floating (Investigaciones'
'Plant Math (Plants)'
'Verano / Summer'
'What Can Dig? (What Can...?)'
'Hiding in a Rain Forest (Whitehouse, Patricia, Animal Camouflage.)'
'Moles (Read and Learn: Under My Feet)'
'Elephant (Zoo Animals)'
'Las Flores / Flowers (Plantas)'
'White Foods'
'El Coyote / Coyotes'
'Floating (Whitehouse, Patricia, Investigations.)'
'Plants' -- subject(s): Juvenile literature, Experiments, Botany projects, Botany, Plants
'Topo (Bajo Mis Pies'
'What Can Fly? (Read and Learn: Animal Actions)'
'Que Puede Construir?/What Can Build? (Que Puede . . .?/What Can . . .?)'
'Invierno / Winter (Las Estaciones)'
'The Planets (Whitehouse, Patricia, Space Explorer.)'
'El Caiman / Alligator (Animales Del Zoologico)'
'Food ABC (The Colors We Eat)'
'The Math Zoo'
'Tamanos En El Zoologico / Zoo Sizes (Matematicas Del Zoolgico/Zoo Math)'
'What Can Jump (Whitehouse, Patricia, What Can?,)'
'Changing Shape'
'Rodar / Rolling (Investigaciones)'
'Flowers' -- subject(s): Flowers, Juvenile literature, Miscellanea, Spanish language materials
'La Arana Terafosa/trap-door Spiders (Bajo Mis Pies / Under My Feet)'
'LA Jirafa / Giraffe'
'Patrones En El Zoologico/Zoo Patterns (Matematicas Del Zoologico)'
'Raccoons' -- subject(s): Raccoon, Juvenile literature
'Green Foods'
'Seeds (Plants)'
'Tiger (Zoo Animals)'
'What Can Run (Whitehouse, Patricia, What Can?,)'
'Las Semillas/Seeds (Plantas/Plants)'
'Seeds (Plants'
'Barn Owls'
A. A. K. Whitehouse has written: 'Phenolic resins'
F. Cowley Whitehouse has written: 'The sniper'
John Whitehouse has written: 'The Year 2000 is Coming' 'Catholics on Literature'
John Howard Whitehouse has written: 'A national system of education. --'
R H. Whitehouse has written: 'Manual of practical chordate embryology'
Mary Whitehouse was born on June 13, 1910.
Mary Whitehouse was born on June 13, 1910.
Claire L. Whitehouse has written: 'The population cytogenetics of crepis capillaris (L.] Wallr.'
The duration of The Mary Whitehouse Experience is 1800.0 seconds.
Mary Whitehouse died on November 23, 2001 at the age of 91.
The Mary Whitehouse Experience was created on 1990-10-03.
The Mary Whitehouse Experience ended on 1992-04-06.