Obed Ndikom is a Cameroonian author, known for writing books that explore social issues, politics, and cultural identity in Africa. Some of his works include novels like "The Broken Dream" and "Echoes from the Mountain."
Obed N. Kealotswe has written: 'An African Independent Church leader'
Louis Obed Renne was an American author who wrote a historical novel titled "The Ohio." It focuses on the early settlement of the region and the struggles and triumphs of the pioneers.
Ndabaningi Sithole has written: 'Obed Mutezo' 'A case for private enterprise' 'Obed Mutezo of Zimbabwe' -- subject(s): Nationalism
John Obed Curtis has written: 'New England militia uniforms and accoutrements' -- subject(s): Equipment, Militia, Uniforms
Obed Kedar has written: 'A vision' -- subject(s): History, Prophecies, United States Civil War, 1861-1865 'Visions concerning the present war' -- subject(s): History, United States Civil War, 1861-1865
Ruth's son was named Obed. He was the father of Jesse, who was the father of King David, making Obed an ancestor of Jesus.
Ellen Bryan Obed has written: 'Borrowed Black' -- subject(s): Fiction, Monsters, Stories in rhyme 'A Letter from the Snow' 'Who would like a Christmas tree?' -- subject(s): Christmas tree growing, Christmas trees, Fiction, Nature, Trees
Obed Simon Johnson has written: 'A study of Chinese alchemy' -- subject(s): Alchemy, History, Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric, Taoism 'Zhongguo lian dan shu kao' -- subject(s): Alchemy, History, Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric, Taoism
Obed's wife is not named in the Bible.
Obed did have a offspring.His name was Jesse.
Obed does not mean anything that I know of.