Geoffrey Tyson has written: 'Nehru'
Patricia Tyson Stroud has written: 'The Emperor of Nature'
Robert Tyson Fitzhugh has written: 'Robert Burns'
Stuart Lawrence Tyson has written: 'The eucharist in St. Paul'
Brian F. Tyson has written: 'Ben Jonson's black comedy'
Ann Tyson Sipes has written: 'The Ray book' -- subject(s): Genealogy
Kathryn Tyson has written: 'The use and development of the railway journey as a motif in British fiction for children'
Frank H. Tyson has written: 'Test of nerves' -- subject(s): Cricket, History
Blake Tyson has written: 'The Cragg, Troutbeck and the Otley family' 'The Troutbeck park slate quarries'
Phyllis Tyson has written: 'The Psychoanalytic Theories of Development' -- subject(s): Developmental psychology, Psychoanalysis
Robert W. Tyson has written: 'Van Wagner Williams family history' -- subject(s): Family, Genealogy
Betsy Tyson has written: 'Buoyancy, stability, and trim' -- subject(s): Drilling platforms, Oil well drilling rigs