Richard Werner Magnus has written several books on economics and finance, including "Princes of the Yen: Japan's Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy" and "New Paradigm in Macroeconomics: Solving the Riddle of Japanese Macroeconomic Performance." He is known for his work on bank credit creation and the role of banks in economic systems.
Werner Richard Heymann has written: '\\' -- subject(s): Composers, Biography
Magnus Pyke has written: '\\'
Magnus has written: 'Necron' 'Necron 2'
Magnus Verbrugge has written: 'Alive'
Magnus Zeller has written: 'Magnus Zeller' -- subject(s): Exhibitions
Peter Magnus has written: 'Tretten historier'
Magnus Reitberger has written: 'Consequences of contingency'
Aleksander Werner has written: 'Aleksander Werner'
Werner Baum has written: '\\'
Magnus Hedberg has written: 'The process of labor turnover'
Magnus Elfwendahl has written: 'Arkeologi pa Gotland'
Magnus Zetterholm has written: 'Lagen som evangelium?'