S.F. Baekers has written a Science Fiction series called "The Morningstar Saga" which follows the journey of a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world. The series explores themes of survival, humanity, and the consequences of advanced technology.
Pauline J. Heaton has written: 'Writing your SF 171'
Judigh Merril has written: 'SF' -- subject(s): Science fiction
R. R. Vine has written: 'Hughenden, Queensland, sheet SF/55-1 international index'
A. C. Ashley has written: 'An evaluation of the SF-36 as a quality of life outcome measure in a walking scheme based in primary care'
S.F Kissin has written: 'War and the Marxists' -- subject(s): War and society 'Communists, al revisionists now?' -- subject(s): Communist revisionism
I don't know but search on the web and you might find out
I'm not sure if it was an author but it was a song by the Black Label Society, Bob Marley, and Billy Idol. I hope that helps. It probably doesn't. It was used in a column written by Herb Caen (SF Chronicle) in 1963. The column title was "State of the City."
SF = Small Forward (in Basketball)
sf sf sf
She does not have an official last name. Her full name is commonly written as SF-A2 Miki. Most just call her Miki. Her software full product name is SF-A2 Kaihatsu Code Miki (SF-A2開発コード Miki) or translated as "SF-A2 Development Code Miki."
He has written 2 Varjak Paw books and 253 other books!
SF = Small Forward (in basketball)