Takehiro Irokawa is a Japanese author known for writing Horror novels and short stories. Some of his notable works include "Parasite Eve" and "Secret Santa." His writing often explores dark and supernatural themes that resonate with readers who enjoy the horror genre.
Takehiro Irokawa died in 1989.
Takehiro Katayama is 178 cm.
Takehiro Kimoto is 178 cm.
Takehiro Hayashi was born on 1976-01-23.
Takehiro Kato was born on 1974-07-28.
Takehiro Otani was born on 1980-12-06.
Takehiro Donoue was born on 1985-05-27.
Takehiro Ishii was born on 1964-10-25.
Takehiro Murata was born on March 18, 1960, in Tokyo, Japan.
Takehiro Murozono was born on August 3, 1969, in Kanagawa, Japan.
Takehiro Kashima was born on July 16, 1980, in Osaka, Japan.
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