Hazrat Umme Salma (RAU) was a widow who was later married to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and became the Mother of Musalmeen.
Umme Ummara. has written: 'Roshni qaid hai'
Mothers of the faithful are the respected wives of Holy Prophet (Sallalaho alaihe wassalam) Hazrat Khatija, Hazrat Sawdah, Hazrat Ayesha, Hazrat Hafsah, Hazrat Umme Habiba, Hazrat Zainab binte Jahsh, Hazrat Zainab binte Khuzaimah, Hazrat Umme Salma, Hazrat Jaweria, Hazrat Safiya, Hazrat Maimoona, Hazrat Rehana (May Allah be pleased with them)
A Gambyan Prostitute.
Umme Ahmed Shishir
Umme Jamilah is the wife of Abu Lahab
Her name was "Hamamah" which means pegion in Arabic.
Umm Salama, a wife of the Prophet Muhammad, passed away at the age of 84 or 85 according to different sources.
From his wife Khadija, Ruqayyah, Umme Kulthoom, Zainub, Abdullah, Qaasim. Ebrahim was born from Mariyah (May God bless all of them).
bibi rubabis the answer i answered this i am 12 iam a girl i am syedImam Hussain had a princess as a wife! (Literally!) She was beautiful and she embraced the religion of Islam! Thier child was imam Zainul a bideen. Peace be upon them! Her name was princess Umme Rabab! Peace be upon her!
muhammed (pbuh) had 4 daughters: 1) ruqayyah 2) umme- kulthum 3)zainab 4) fatima peace be upom them all.
Initially H. Ibne Umme Maktoom RA were appointed but latter H .Abou Lababa Bin Abdul manzar RA were appointed when Prophet Muhammad SAW reached Roha . Source : Al Rahiq Al Makhtoom PP280 (Urdu ed )