Young gentleman. has written:
'The character of the beaux, in five parts ..' -- subject(s): Anecdotes, Dandies, Characters and characteristics, Jacobites
'The merry wives of Douglas'
'Poems on divers subjects'
'Thoughts on publick prayer, and on modern infidelity. By a young gentleman'
'The happy marriage; or, the turn of fortune'
J. B. McMahon has written: 'Dialogue between a young gentleman and a divine' -- subject(s): God, Omnipotence, Proof 'Dialogue between a young gentleman and a divine'
Matthew Towle has written: 'The young gentleman and lady's private tutor. In three parts. ..'
Private gentleman has written: 'A letter from a private gentleman to an English peer'
Southern gentleman has written: 'The step-sister'
Gentleman in the army. has written: 'An epistle to Dean Swift. A poem. By a gentleman in the army'
Edward Wells has written: 'The young gentleman's astronomy, chronology, and dialling..' 'An historical geography of the Old Testament'
Gentleman of Virginia. has written: 'Poems on several occasions'
Gentleman of this city. has written: 'Sophia, or, The bandit of the forest'
Gentleman at London has written: 'The tricks of the town laid open'
Gentleman in the city. has written: 'An account of the Scotch plot, in a letter, from a gentleman in the city, to his friend in the country'
French gentleman. has written: 'An agreeable criticism, of the city of Paris and the French'
Gentleman of the Bar. has written: 'Bank robbery' 'The question of previous consent discussed'