Lee Van Cleef's ancestry traces back to Dutch and Italian roots. He was born in New Jersey to parents of Dutch descent. His surname "Van Cleef" is of Dutch origin.
She currently lives in Norfolk, Virginia.
Van Buren was of Dutch ancestry.
Billy Van Deusen's Ancestry - 1916 was released on: USA: 3 May 1916
He can be traced back to English ancestry in the 1600s.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was Dutch.
Susanna van Lee was born in 1630.
Lee Van Arsdale is 193 cm.
Lee Van Dusen is 5' 9".
Susanna van Lee died in 1700.
Lee Van Atta's birth name is Lee V. Lundquist.
Monique van der Lee was born in 1973.
Lee Van Cleef's birth name is Clarence Leroy Van Cleef Jr..