Wormadom. Evolve Burmy to get it.
Pokemon #46 is Wormadam. If you need any other help go to www.pokemon.marriland.com On the side in the diamond and pearl section it has a pokedex option, click there and you will see all the pokemon.
Paras is number 46 on the pokedex list. you can get it in fire red/leaf green at mt moon or the safari zone. then trnsfer it over to your Pokemon pearl via pal park.
at pallete town
in the national dex 46 is paras and 80 is slowbro but in the sinnoh dex 46 is wormadam and 80 is barboach
Diamond and Pearl Sinnoh Dex: 46# Wormadam Platinum Sinnoh Dex: 46# Wormadam
you have about 46% of finding a heracross by slathering honey on a tree at route 218
eyy bro just catch numbah 45 and evolve him, its a burmy that you need to evolve
you cant get a diamond on Pokemon pearl but you can get a pearl on diammond ...and pearl.
Pokemon no.147 in the Pokemon Pearl National Pokedex is Dratini.
In the sinnoh dex--WORMADAM (evolve from BURMY) In the national Dex, it's PARAS (in the great marsh somtimes [visible by binoculars] yep?)
The 8th gym leader has a LV. 46 Raichu, a Lv. 47 Ambipom, a Lv. 48 Octillery, and a Lv. 49 Luxray