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An annex is an additional section or document that provides supplemental information or details to the main body of a document. It is often used to include technical data, additional resources, or supporting documentation.

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Q: What is an anex?
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Patrica Anex She's a really good scientist.

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Yes, her whole family was arrested and sent to a concentration camp called Bergen-Belsen where she later died of Typhus.

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similar-a similar radicand is to add or subtract similar radicals we simply add and subtract there coefficients and Anex to the sum of their common radical part.

Why is August 1 anne franks last diary entry?

because one german guy , saw the jewish in the secret anex , than we tell the police and an frank's family went to the concentration camp

What facilities does Flamboyant bus company travel to?

I believe its Clinton Anex and Main, Bare Hill, Franklin, Upstate, and some other one. Call to this number and ask.(718) 696-8147

Four times allies used the appeasement policy with Hitler?

they let Hitler make an army, they let Germany make a transportation system for troops, allowed Germany to join austria and they let Hitler anex other countrys

Who discovered atomic orbital?

The concept of atomic orbitals was developed by Erwin Schrödinger in 1926 as part of the development of quantum mechanics. Atomic orbitals describe the probability distribution of an electron around the nucleus of an atom.

How do you overhaul alfa laval purifier?

Overhoul of any purifier in spite of its trade mark must be carried out in strict accordance to its manual book.See anex maintanence Here is a basic steps: 1.Purifier should be complitly stoped. 2.Aply a bowl brack if such exists. 3.Remove F.W. inlet and the nut under it in order to release upper cover from the bowl.See anex tools. 4.Lift the upper cover and secure it. 5.Loose the locking ring of gravity disc and than locking ring of a bowl with ccording tools.Pay attention to the marks on a locking ring and the edge of a bowl.Loosening direction is clockwise. 6.Remove the bowl cover and then Bowl inner parts are available for you to clean them.

Where is the annex room located in the book the giver?

In the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the annex room is located in the House of Old, where Jonas goes to receive memories from The Giver. The annex room is isolated and private, allowing Jonas and The Giver to have their meetings undisturbed.