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Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism

is based on a naturalistic metaphysics; that there is only the reality that we know. In other words, reality is knowable and what is unknown, can be discovered through the evidence of the senses. Thus, Objectivism

rejects any supernatural existence (e.g.,

God, the afterlife). The epistemology of Objectivism

is the idea that evidence-based

logic and reason are the only means of validating the truth-value

of knowledge.

Ethically, Objectivism

promotes a virtue-based

ethics of rational egoism or enlightened self-interest.

The virtues of rationality, pride (self-esteem),

productiveness, honesty, integrity, and justice are considered major virtues. In living in accordance with these virtues, we can further our happiness and well-being


our flourishing). The Objectivist

politics can be understood as classically liberal or libertarian, although Rand herself did not like the term "libertarian." Specifically, the Objectivist

political viewpoint condemns the initiation of force as immoral and opposes all forms of collectivism and statism.

Instead, Objectivism

endorses a political-economic

system of laissez-faire

capitalism, which Rand believed was the only political-social

system that properly protected individual and property rights.

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Baby DuBuque

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2y ago
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10mo ago

Ayn Rand was a philosopher and novelist known for developing the philosophy of Objectivism. Objectivism emphasizes reason, individualism, and self-interest, advocating for the pursuit of one's own happiness as the highest moral purpose. Rand believed in laissez-faire capitalism and the rejection of altruism, arguing for rational self-interest as a virtue.

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11y ago

Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism

is based on a naturalistic metaphysics; that there is only the reality that we know. In other words, reality is knowable and what is unknown, can be discovered through the evidence of the senses. Thus, Objectivism

rejects any supernatural existence (e.g.,

God, the afterlife). The epistemology of Objectivism

is the idea that evidence-based

logic and reason are the only means of validating the truth-value

of knowledge.

Ethically, Objectivism

promotes a virtue-based

ethics of rational egoism or enlightened self-interest.

The virtues of rationality, pride (self-esteem),

productiveness, honesty, integrity, and justice are considered major virtues. In living in accordance with these virtues, we can further our happiness and well-being


our flourishing). The Objectivist

politics can be understood as classically liberal or libertarian, although Rand herself did not like the term "libertarian." Specifically, the Objectivist

political viewpoint condemns the initiation of force as immoral and opposes all forms of collectivism and statism.

Instead, Objectivism

endorses a political-economic

system of laissez-faire

capitalism, which Rand believed was the only political-social

system that properly protected individual and property rights.

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Ayn Rand wrote two original screenplays: "Love Letters" (1945) and "You Came Along" (1945).

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Ayn Rand was influenced by thinkers such as Aristotle, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Russian-American novelist Victor Hugo. She drew inspiration from classical philosophy, individualism, and romanticism, shaping her own philosophy known as Objectivism.

What was the philosophy of Ayn Rand of the twentieth century?

Her philosophy is known as Objectivism, and champions the use of reason and rational selfishness for all decisions.

Did Ayn Rand believe in God?

In short: No. Ayn Rand explictly rejects the Existentialist movement for she thinks Existentialism identified philosophy as feelings and thus anti-reason. What is interesting though, she would have liked to have her 'Objectvisim' named Existentialism if the name wasn't already taken. This is because she believes her philosophy is the only one that allows us to exist on Earth.

Who said 'Existence exists' 'Consciousness is conscious' and 'A is A'?

These statements are attributed to the philosopher Ayn Rand, who is known for her philosophy of objectivism. The phrase "A is A" represents the principle of identity, while the other statements reflect key aspects of her philosophical worldview.

What is The Night King by Ayn Rand about?

"The Night King" is not a book by Ayn Rand. It may be confused with "The Fountainhead" or "Atlas Shrugged," which are two of her most well-known works of fiction promoting her philosophy of Objectivism.

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Leonard Peikoff is best known for his work in Objectivist philosophy, particularly for his book "Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand" where he presents and explains Ayn Rand's philosophical ideas. He has also written books on topics such as education, politics, and epistemology.

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They are linked because Neil Peart was at one time inspired by Ayn Rand's books and he agreed with her philosophy. Many of Rush's songs from that period of time in the mid-1970s to mid-1980s had a Randian influence. However, as Neil has pointed out many times, he long ago moved away from Ayn Rand's philosophy and his writing over the years has had many other influences.