"How do you do?" is not really a good question so you can answer it in many ways. To say "I am good." is incorrect because only God the father is good. To say "I'm doing good" is also incorrect unless at that moment, you are actively doing something good such as feeding the hungry. The answer "I am well, thank you." works nicely as is my favorite, "I'm blessed thank you."
Yes, your question is correct.
The correct answer to a multiple choice question depends on the question. The correct answer is not a random event!
If you sent an incorrect question, you can try asking again. You have a better chance of getting a correct answer if the question is correct.
Both is correct
"Is it delicious?" is a question and is correct.
"Where is she?" is the correct form to ask the question.
Yes, the question "Where are you going tomorrow?" is correct grammatically.
No, the question is not grammatically correct. It should be "Does she have a pen?" using the correct form of the verb "have" for the subject "she."
The correct way to ask that question would be: "From whom was it?"
The question "What is there in the kitchen?" is structurally correct. It is asking about the contents of the kitchen.
The question appears to be incorrect...Would: "That is her boyfriend." be grammatically correct? Is a correct question that can be answered in the affermative: Yes.
The correct spelling is "question" (an inquiry or interrogatory, something asked)