This phrase is a simile because it compares the concept of justice to the physical attributes of being blind and deaf. It suggests that justice should be impartial and unbiased, like a blindfolded figure, and should also be selective and not swayed by irrelevant factors, like a deaf person who cannot hear distractions.
people get blind and some times get deaf also..............
What simile can you use to complete "Deaf as a post"?
Deaf is to post as blind is to read.
Yes, the bacteria is both blind and deaf.
love is blind but hate is deaf true
No, Thicke is neither deaf nor blind.
No. Blind means you can't SEE. Deaf means you can't HEAR.
No, there are blind and deaf students attending right now.
"Sign language is used for deaf and blind" has nine syllables. Sign-lan-guage-is-used-for-deaf-and-blind.
Yes they are. They are also blind.
Helen Keller is the first deaf blind graduated woman