Eva Cassidy's birth name is Eva Marie Cassidy.
Cassidy Robert Cassidy roberta Cassidy Cindy Cassidy Casser Cassidy Marie Cassidy Felicia Cassidy Isabella Cassidy Cassidy
Daniel Chavez
Katherine Cassidy's birth name is Marie Katherine Icide.
his kids were John and Cassidy
Ted Cassidy died on January 16, 1979 at the age of 46.
Butch Cassidy Stephen R. Covey Donny and Marie Osmond
Elise Zajdlik...she learned to use the computer at age 3. Also Dr. Anne-marie Zajdlik, who started the Massai for Africa Campain. hahahaahh..I like this thing. I'm not kidding, google Dr. Anne-marie Zajdlik, annd you'll see!!!!!
Jack Cassidy died on December 12, 1976 at the age of 49.
Rapper Cassidy Started rapping at 13 years old but got signed at the age of 17
Eva Cassidy died at age 33 and was not romantically involved with anyone and did not have any children at the time of her passing.