The duration of In the Mirror of Maya Deren is 1.72 hours.
In the Mirror of Maya Deren was created on 2002-03-15.
Maya Deren has: Played The Woman in "Meshes of the Afternoon" in 1943. Performed in "At Land" in 1944. Performed in "Ritual in Transfigured Time" in 1946. Played herself in "Invocation: Maya Deren" in 1987. Played herself in "Im Spiegel der Maya Deren" in 2002.
Maya Deren was born on April 29, 1917, in Kiev, Russia [now Ukraine].
Maya Booth's birth name is Maya Emma Booth.
The birth name of Maya Turovskaya is Maya Vladimirovna Turovskaya.
Edward Maya's birth name is Edward Maya Ilie.
Maya Bouma's birth name is Maya Sylvia Bouma.
Maya Winkler's birth name is Maya Nelson-Winkler.
Maya Nadine's birth name is Maya Nadine Chang.
Mario Maya's birth name is Mario Maya Fajardo.
Maya Hazen's birth name is Ann Maya Hazen.