Broca's area is responsible for speech production and language processing, while Wernicke's area is involved in language comprehension and understanding. Together, they play a crucial role in language processing and communication.
Projection Fibres
The population of Brocas is 766.
The area of Brocas is 53.46 square kilometers.
Brocas Helm was created in 1982.
The area of Brocas is 53.46 square kilometers.
Bernard Brocas died in 1395.
Bernard Brocas was born in 1330.
Henry Brocas was born in 1766.
Henry Brocas died in 1838.
Bernard Brocas - rebel - died in 1400.
Brocas Burrows died on 1967-01-17.
Brocas Burrows was born on 1894-10-31.