Charles Dickens wrote the quote "No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another" in his novel "Our Mutual Friend," which was published in 1864-1865.
· repulsive · revolting · roguish
One of the famous quotations by Charles Dickens is "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." It is the opening line of his novel "A Tale of Two Cities" and reflects the contrasting nature of the era depicted in the book.
There are several possible words:For useless meaning valueless, the opposite could be "treasured."For useless meaning not workable, the opposite could be "effective."For useless meaning not required, the opposite could be "necessary."For useless meaning worthless, the opposite could be "practical."For useless meaning inappropriate, the opposite could be "pertinent."For useless meaning unhelpful, the opposite could be "desirable."useful - look it up in a dicitonary and you'll see a picture of me.
The Hindi word "bekaar" means "useless" or "waste."
You are useless.
useless in world
It means useless.
A 7 letter word meaning good for nothing is useless.
useless, needless