Regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish; -- opposed to egoistic or selfish.
Altruistic is an adjective.
Altruistic preservation is a philosophy of preserving nature for its own sake.
An altruistic person is unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others. For example, Mother Theresa was an altruistic person, some say.
Here are some examples:The altruistic mayor was genuinely concerned about the plight of undernourishment children.He married an altruistic woman who thinks more about how to make her husband happy than herself.Jace's altruistic tendencies made him an excellent friend and confidant.She has an altruistic personality and is well suited to work as a nurse.
Altruistic behavior is that which concerns itself with the good of others. Many altruistic people give large sums of money to charities or work in soup kitchens.
Altruistic .
There are Always 3 main characteristics that stand out in a person and in Jerry Spinelli's Book The 3 of them for Stargirl would include 1. Altruistic- meaning selfless altruistic 2.Considerate 3. Vivacious - meaning Playful There are a WHOLE lot more things that Stargirl has BUT youre gonna have to figure that xD Good lLuck Hope i helped. , Sydney
The word "altruistic" comes from the French word "altruisme," which was coined by philosopher Auguste Comte in the 19th century. It is derived from the Latin word "alter," meaning "other," emphasizing concern for the well-being of others.
Altruistic is spelled A-L-T-R-U-I-S-T-I-C. It is derived from the Latin word "altruismus," meaning selflessness or concern for the well-being of others. The word altruistic is often used to describe individuals who prioritize the needs of others over their own self-interest.
An altruistic person is a good neighbor and a nice person. A mercenary wants to be paid to help with anything.