An academic degree conferred on someone who has successfully completed undergraduate studies
A baccalaureate is required for this job. Without Baccalaureate you will not have the job.
International Baccalaureate was created in 1968.
Amman Baccalaureate School was created in 1981.
A misspelling of "baccalaureate" A baccalaureate is a college bachelor's degree.
It is better to have an international degree.
the baccalaureate service was held at the church as usual.
The owner studied art and design at Baccalaureate level in France.
That is the correct spelling of "baccalaureate" (bachelor's degree).
Blair International Baccalaureate School was created in 196#.
Baccalaureate School for Global Education was created in 2002.
bachillerato from Spanish to English is baccalaureate. The noun baccalaureate has 2 meanings: Meaning #1: a farewell sermon to a graduating class at their commencement ceremonies Meaning #2: an academic degree conferred on someone who has successfully completed undergraduate studies Synonym: bachelor's degree Above retrieved from Viper1
According to the Carnegie Foundation, it doesn't exist. Baccalaureate institutions are only colleges, not Universities.