The ISBN of The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien is 0-0482-6005-3.
Any name for a monster is fine. Maybe "Tyrranica" would work. It's really up to you, as nothing is wrong.
J.R.R. Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892.
The purple monster in Monster's Inc is Randall Boggs.
The book was supposedly written out by Bilbo Baggins.It is by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, more commonly known as J.R.R. Tolkien, published September 21, 1937. He also wrote "The Lord of the Rings" and several other works that take place in the same universe as such as The Silmarillion and the famous The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
The Two Towers, Books 3 and 4 (It was actually a sixtology).
They all have 3 letters, but "red" and "tan" have exactly 3 letters.
Lev Tolstoy (was a Russian novelist)
The Huge star name with 3 and 5 letters is the Red Giant.
Oug scared poor Polly so bad she had nightmares.
Marie Antoinette