so one time a man by the name of edgar allan poe married this amazing women that was his first cousin. he loved her so much he made a poptart and it was a smores poptart and he gave her 3/4 of the poptart thats how much he loved her.THE END
Paul Van Dyk has sung many songs, including the following: Time Of Our Lives, Like A Friend, Connected, Thats Life, Come Together and Heart Stops Beating.
William fell in love w/ Barabara Allan. He is dying of a broken heart but she doesn't care. She is mad at him for going to the tavern. John Grame tells his friends to be good to Barbara Allan and then rolls over and dies. So, Barbara Allan goes home and tells her mother to make her bed for her (meaning her grave) and then too dies. thats about it i really anyone who needs it!!!! "Bonnie Barbara Allan" is the legend of the rose bush! It is just lovely!
na,,if you dont heart,,,your dead na,,,thats what heart are for.
because thats where my heart is
No. Thats the ribs.
broken heart or bleeding heart sad heart devastated.and more but thats some of them
thats what i am tring to figure out? -.-
i heart raves .com thats were they get their tutus
no it is just funny thats all
thats a big possibility