In "The Crossing" by Gary Paulsen, the main character is a fifteen-year-old named Manny Bustos. He is determined, resilient, and resourceful as he navigates the challenges of crossing the border from Mexico into the United States. The story explores themes of family, perseverance, and the harsh realities faced by immigrants.
Gary Paulsen. This story is based on his life.
Gary Paulsen went to college at Bemidji college. I'm not sure where that is. His first book published book is titled The Special War. (I'm doing an assignment on him too)
Gary Paulsen's parents are Oscar Paulsen and Eunice Paulsen.
Yes. Gary Paulsen is related to Lee Paulsen.
No, it is a fictional book about survival, not a real story.
Gary Paulsen's parents are Oscar and Eurine Paulsen.
No, Gary Paulsen is not single.
Gary Paulsen is a/an Author
Gary Paulsen is American.
Gary Paulsen was raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
This story takes place in the Canadian wilderness.