"Schooled" by Gordon Korman follows the story of Capricorn Anderson, a boy who has grown up on a commune with his grandmother and is suddenly thrust into the world of a public middle school. The plot revolves around Cap adjusting to his new surroundings, dealing with bullies, and ultimately teaching his classmates important life lessons about acceptance and individuality. The story highlights themes of friendship, resilience, and the importance of staying true to oneself.
it was written in 2007
As of now, there is no information about Gordon Korman making a sequel to "Schooled." However, new developments could occur in the future.
The book "Schooled" by Gordon Korman has a total of 24 chapters.
In the book "Schooled" by Gordon Korman, Hugh was worried about getting bullied by the other students because he was different from them. He was concerned about fitting in and making friends, but eventually learns to embrace his uniqueness and be confident in himself.
In the book "Schooled" by Gordon Korman, the bully is a character named Zach Powers. He torments the main character, Capricorn Anderson, who is homeschooled and suddenly finds himself attending a public middle school for the first time.
Flora is Capricorn Anderson's love interest in "Schooled" by Gordon Korman. She is a student at C Average school who befriends Cap and helps him adjust to life outside of Garland Farm. She is kind, intelligent, and supportive of Cap throughout the story.
The bus driver who had a heart attack in the book "Schooled" by Gordon Korman is named Lester Philip Turnbull, also known as "The Berryman."
It takes place at Claverage Middle School and Garlands.
In the book "Schooled" by Gordon Korman, Lena's last name is not mentioned. Lena is one of the main characters in the story, but her last name is not disclosed.
In the book "Schooled" by Gordon Korman, the principal's name is Mr. Trent. He plays a significant role in the story as he interacts with the main character, Cap Anderson.
The novel Schooled by Gordon Korman has 236 pages. The book Schooled by Paul Langlan that is part of the Bluford High Series, has 140 pages.
In the book "Schooled" by Gordon Korman, Mrs. Donelly is the school principal who initially struggles to handle Cap's unconventional personality and the changes he brings to the school. She eventually learns to adapt and appreciate Cap's unique approach to learning.