Yes, of course, but only in a fictional world, not in our real world.
Sweethaven Village , Malta - actually it's now a real tourist attraction : see related link below .
* No, Emmerdale is a fictional village setting.* It is, however, based on a real place (a lot of the filming used to be done there).
Winnie the pooh Is A Childrens Fictional Character, He Did Not Have A 'Real Name'.
It's set in the fictional village of Greendale, which was inspired by the real valley of Longsleddale in Cumbria.
We hope you realize you're asking for the "real name" of a fictional/mythological character.
No, Aldous Krakenaur is not a real person. This name appears to be fictional or made up.
Her fictional name is Jovie, but her real name is Zooey Deschanel
Luke Skywalker is a real name of a fictional character potrayed by a real life actor in a science-fiction film with a fictional storyline.
It must be fictional. The scientific name for the real raccoon is Procyon lotor.
There was no real 'Braveheart group" . The name is fictional.