"The Serpent's Shadow" by Rick Riordan is set in modern-day Egypt, primarily in the city of Cairo. The story also includes scenes in other locations, such as the Duat (the Egyptian realm of the dead) and various ancient Egyptian temples and monuments.
lots of books do this to have different pictures to pop out to diffrent readers
If what your asking is "Is there any sequels to the book The Red Pyramid" (by Rick Riordan) than the answer is yes, in the series the first book is 'The Red Pyramid' the second book is 'The Throne Of Fire' and Riordan is coming out with a third book to the series named 'The Serpents Shadow.' Hope this was helpful..:)
Rick Riordan has three siblings.
in a book or u can Google it as a .pdf type in advanced search
Rick Riordan's wife is named Becky Riordan.
Rick Riordan loves to be an author
No, Rick Riordan is not a half-blood.
I think New Jearsey and Arizona.
Rick Riordan's real name is Richard Russell Riordan Jr.
Rick Riordan's wife's last name is Riordan. Her full name is Becky Riordan.
the setting is to awaken ra from his sleep or retirement with the three scrolls of ra to keep apophis in his prison.