"The Challenge" by Gary Soto is a short story about a teenage boy named Alfred who is challenged by his friend, Frankie, to steal a pack of gum from a neighborhood store. Alfred struggles with the decision but ultimately gives in to peer pressure and takes the gum. He later experiences guilt and remorse for his actions.
i havent read this i quite a while, but from how i see it, this is about two boys, one being Gary soto as a young boy, are talking about their futures. they just need to realize that even though the world puts so much foucs on appearance, they can sitll succeed in life because whats on the inside is all that really matters. they just need to have confidence, values, and determination. i could not really figure the plot out myself, so i cant really help you with that, sorry. :D
Statement of the best summary of orange
Gary Soto has 1 child..
the resolution of the 7th grade is that Mr. Buller start to thinkthat when he was in colloge he was using lies to impress the girls to. for that he decided to no tell anybody that victor doesn't know anything about the french. after class told victor if he doesn't do anything maybe sometimes victor help Teresa with her french class. victor notice that he is gonna love this year.
gary bilasian soto
what did gary soto dream of doing
gary bilasian soto
Gary Soto is a/an Author, poet
Gary Soto
Gary Soto has one daughter.
Gary Soto was born on April 12, 1952
Gary Soto has two grown daughters.
Gary Soto lived in Fresno, California.