Voracious reading refers to the habit of reading anything and everything with great enthusiasm and eagerness. People who practice voracious reading consume a large volume of written material across various genres and subjects. It can help improve vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.
i am a voracious man in reading historic book.
Voracious has two meanings:1. Having a huge appetite:After gym I have a voracious appetite.2. Very GreedyI am reading crime novels voraciously.I am a voracious lover.A way that you can use voraciously in a sentence is:My sister was voraciously eating at the Thanksgiving dinner.
A voracious reader is someone who reads a large volume of books or other forms of written material eagerly and enthusiastically. They have a strong passion for reading and consume a wide range of content.
Benjamin attended Boston latin school but did not graduate after that he increased his knowledge by voracious reading
Voracious means extremely hungry.
There is no verb corresponding to the adjective voracious.
Here are some sentences.He has a voracious appetite.The voracious wolverine ate all the rabbits.
The noun form for the adjective voracious is voraciousness.
The voracious T-rex looked at me hungrily.
That's hard to know. He is a voracious reader. See Related Links to see what books have influenced him the most.
The voracious people eat till their hearts content.
the voracious boy ate all the pie.