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a waitress and a stripper

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Before becoming a full-time writer, Meg Cabot worked as an assistant dorm manager at New York University, as well as a dorm manager at the City University of New York. She also worked as an illustrator and a tax accountant.

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Why did Meg Cabot become a writer?

Meg Cabot became a writer because she loved writing.

What genre is all American girl by Meg Cabot?

The book, 'All American Girl' by Meg Cabot is considered a young adult novel. The author Meg Cabot is famous for writing children's books.

How did Meg Cabot become a writer?

she started writing a book and published it.

Is John Cabot related to Meg Cabot?

No. Meg Cabot is not related to John Cabot because John didn't have a known mother had no sisters so they are not related. Look it up if you don't believe this.

Does Meg Cabot have a child?

No, Meg Cabot has no children.

Where and what did Meg Cabot study?

Meg Cabot studied at Indiana University, where she graduated with a bachelor's degree in fine arts. She later pursued a graduate degree in creative writing at New York University.

How many kids does Meg Cabot have?

Meg Cabot has no children.

In which state was Meg Cabot born?

Meg Cabot was born in Bloomington, Indiana.

What is the birth name of Meg Cabot?

Meg Cabot's birth name is Meggin Patricia Cabot.

Does Meg Cabot have a boy or girl?

Meg Cabot does not have any children.

What nicknames does Meg Cabot go by?

Meg Cabot goes by Crazytop.

Who is the author of the Princess Diaries?

The author is Meg Cabot.