In Palmerston North during the 1870s, common jobs would have included farming, sawmilling, mining, blacksmithing, and working in general stores or hotels. The town was still developing, so there would have been opportunities in construction, carpentry, and other trades as well. Additionally, government positions such as police officers or civil servants would have been available.
The migration of African Americans to the North during and following World War I was mainly a result of the availability of new factory jobs
high paying factory jobs
availability of new factory jobs
You can find listings for jobs in North Carolina at the following or I hope this helps you and good luck.
You can find jobs in north Carolina at the NC jobs dot com site. They have jobs from the tobacco industry to the university level jobs. Many to choose from that part of the country.
Tthe women were music teachers, cooks, cleaning the house and sewing. The men were farming and mining.
There are many different types of jobs listed in Jobs North in Canada. They all have one thing in common though, they are all located in northern Canada.
The state, recently, applying for more jobs is North Dakota.
farming and militaryyy