Conan Doyle reportedly considered "The Hound of the Baskervilles" to be his least favorite Sherlock Holmes story because he had grown tired of writing about the detective.
dam i dont know Hound of the Baskervilles (How could you not know that?)
a book
Nothing i didnt have a least favorite part in the book it i cant say that there is ever a better book than the twilight series.
He is a business man that is in the company that owns the Seahawk.
No, Twilight is actually my least favorite book in the series. my favorite is Breaking Dawn, then New Moon, then Eclipse, and then Twilight.
Roald Dahl's least favorite book that he had written was "The Mildenhall Treasure." He felt that it was not his best work and was disappointed with how it turned out.
Conan the Formidable is by Steve Perry. The Mass Market paperback is 288 pages. This is book 22 in the Conan series.
Greg's least favorite comic is Zooeie Mama.
Conan the Bold is by John Maddix Roberts. The mass market book is 288 pages. Robert E. Howard invented the Conan character.
Conan The Adventurer - 1992 The Book of Skelos 2-43 was released on: USA: 4 October 1993
If my memory is correct, he sorta tried to rape her >< My least favorite part of that book.
My favorite book is 'Raising Supaman' written by Nathaniel Turner. Which is your favorite parenting book ?