Zheng He's goal was to make contact with other countries
Xiaoqiu Zheng's birth name is Hongbin Zheng.
Zhengqiu Zheng's birth name is Fangze Zheng.
The main result of Zheng He's voyages was the expansion of China's overseas trade.
i dont know reall y
The spreading of Chinese culture was one of the benefits of Zheng He's voyages. It also benefited Chinese merchants.
her moms name is carol majar serch it on google dads hes dead i have no idea
IS Zheng He His birth name was Ma He, but the Chinese emperor changed it to Zheng He.
his name is ying zheng but in china they put the last name first to show respect to all ages so really his name is zheng ying...btw im a 6 grader soo no prob for the answer
Zheng He