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maybe she would maybe put favorite pictures of herself, her friends and her family. she may also put her favorite people in there.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Anne Frank might include photos of her family and friends, small mementos from significant events, handwritten notes or quotes that inspire her, and maybe even some pressed flowers or leaves from the Secret Annex garden.

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Q: What would Anne Frank put in a scrapbook?
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No Ruler. It was Otto Frank, Anne's father, who put himself and his family into hiding.

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you need to put which Anne you are talking about, is it Anne Boleyn, or Anne Frank that you are talking about?

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my dearest kitty, i hope you willconfide in you and to share my thoughts to you

How do you put feathers in a scrapbook?

You stick it with double sided tape on the back of the feather. Get your scrapbook, and put it in.

When was Anne Frank sent to a concentration camp?

In August 1944, when Anne Frank was 15, she and her family were betrayed. They were send to Westerbork, a transit camp in the Netherlands. In September 1944 the whole family was send to Auschwitz, in Poland.

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Anne Frank did not die in a gas chamber. She died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945.

What country was Anne Frank hiding in?

Well, Holland was invaded by the Nazis and Hitler captured Holland and he put the same rules for Jews as he did for Germany. Anne Frank and her family then hid in a secret annex in her fathers factory and after 2 years of living in hiding Anne Frank and her family were found and sent to the labor camps where Anne and her older sister and mother dead. Her father survived

What did anne franks father die of?

anne Frank's mother died at the concentration camp she (and anne frank and her sister, margot) got sent to after getting caught in hiding.anne Frank's father survived the ordeals Jews got put through at the concentration camps and went on to publish anne franks diary (also known as The Diary Of A Young Girl), which became the world's most famous diary

What to put in a scrapbook case?

you can put pictures, photos, messages, old letters anything that brings memories. A scrapbook is used for many things but the best thing to use it for is keeping memories.

When was Anne Frank sent to Bergen-Belsen?

1944 --when her family was betrayed. They had been in hiding for two years in amsterdam. ___ Anne and Margot Frank were put on the very last transport from Auschwitz Women's Camp to Bergen-Belsen. It left Auschwitz on 31 October 1944.

What did Anne Frank think of Miep Gies?

Anne Frank had great admiration and gratitude for Miep Gies. Miep Gies was one of the helpers who provided the Frank family with supplies and support while they were in hiding. Anne considered Miep a trusted friend and appreciated her kindness.